A list of problems/ideas I won’t be able to tackle myself but would love for someone to start. I hope many of these are being worked on already. Please reach out to me on Twitter @chrisbernkopf for any ideas I should add, corrections & amendments, or anything else :)
Carbon Credits Reversibility InsuranceCar Plastic Parts RecyclingVerticalized ResourcifyNet-Zero Gas StationsSolar Powered Lunar Data CentersEarly Detection of Bark BeetlesBuilding Better Power-to-Liquid (PtL) Machines FasterMarket Place for Demolished Buildings PartsGenerating Climate Positive Alpha for Traders - Arbitrage for GoodData Tools
Webflow+Slai for ScrapingCrypto
PeoplecoinIf you want to stay up to date on new requests, feel free to follow me on Twitter at @chrisbernkopf